Via dell’Industria 8
Zona Industriale Settevene
01036 NEPI (VT)
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Ivo Rovira

Es un fotógrafo fascinado por a gente que le rodea, por sus historias, por sus vidas, por sus miserias y alegrías. Un artista que lleva al escenario de la imagen una valoración construida que pone de relieve las mentiras y contradicciones con las que convivimos. Un artista que reconoce que a través de sus obras necesita contar ficciones o no.

Toni Calderon


He is a photographer fascinated by the people around him, by their stories, by their lives, by their miseries and joys. An artist who brings to the scenario of the image a well constructed appraisal that emphasizes the lies and contradictions with which we coexist. An artist who admits that through his works he needs to tell falsehoods or not.

Toni Calderon


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